D15 Today want live for an outside broadcast from the TU Dublin / OT Baile Átha Cliath Blanchardstown campus for Freshers Week. While there presenters Aoife Daly, Linda Staņēviča, and Carmelle Keane got to sit down and talk to students and staff about the range of courses and opportunities that the campus has on offer. We would like to say thank you to all guests who took a part in our OB today in @tudublin Blanchardstown campus for the Freshers Week. It was a pleasure to have interviews with you. Also, we want to say to say thank you to @aileenryholmes and Fiona Comey #wearetudublin in Blanchardstown campus for hosting us.
You can listen back to the full show here:
If you wish to listen back to past outside broadcasts you can find a list of them here.
Lynda Young – Student Recruitment Manager spoke about most popular courses in TUD what people wanted to study.

Head of Sustainability Education took us through how TUD has worked to ontegrate sustainability education into their coiurses to help students employment opportunities.
We enjoyed to talk with Martyna and Bernice (third year students of CDM) from Blanchardstown campus who talked about their course and explained what opportunities this course provides.

Next guest was Johanna who talked us through about the Entry Access Support system at @tudublin .